NMDA Board minutes 2/13/2019


Present at meeting: Barbara Burkhardt, John Collins, Winnie Fitch, Kathleen Martin, Maribeth St Cyr, Susan Reed.

Absent from meeting: Diana Corbin, Teresa Heine and Valerie Simpson.

Barbara Burkhardt approves the installation of Maribeth St Cyr as Secretary. 

John Collins and Susan Reed approve.

It is discussed and agreed that three board members create the quorum needed to install the secretary.

It is agreed that Kathleen’s personal blog will have a link on the NMDA website.

Brief discussion on future meeting places and parking.

Review of meeting minutes from January’s meeting.   A correction was suggested regarding mini-grants for youth riders.  Paragraph in minutes regarding a vote on mini grants was removed from the minutes.  This was not voted on, instead the board agreed that they should discuss it in the future.

Meeting minutes were amended and approved.

Minutes from general membership meeting were amended to include that the recognized show was USEF Recognized show.  Minutes were approved.

Secretary’s Report-Review of secretary responsibilities for new secretary. 

Treasurer Report-There is $21,569.05 in the club’s checking account.  The new bank is called Mountain America Credit Union, but the interest on the new CD isn’t much better.  Last year $5.36 was earned on CD.  Amount in CD is $5,369.51.  This is in addition to the above amount that is in checking account.  There is about $3000 in the education fund that is part of the checking account total.

The insurance for this year should be about the same as last year at about $776 for liability for all NMDA events.

A new bank is being arranged whenever Winnie and Barbara can get together to move the money.

Year end banquet had $432 in income.  Expenses were $540.50.  The income from the raffle will be added to education fund.

The clubs federal income taxes have been filed.

Vice President Report-Positive comments about Seminar at Raymond G Sanchez Community Center on 2/2/19.

Membership Chair-Winnie in Diana’s absence-We have 79 members. 

Show Report- Barbara in Teresa’s absence

Dennison park contract needs signing.

There is a new button on the calendar page next to the events with entry forms.

There is a show coming up at Goose Down Farms in conjunction with the pony club. 

Contract for July 7th show is turned in. 

Calls and requests for people to scribe has been coming in.  Barbara has told them to contact the show manager ahead of the show.  If scribe position is filled it is suggested that another position be offered.

Kathleen suggested that we have a scribe clinic seminar in order to train scribes.  Barbara suggested that she does not want to personally train scribes.  Maribeth suggested that a schooling show offer this as an aspect of schooling.  That a judge allow multiple scribes per show in order to increase interest in volunteering.  Barbara suggested that another option may be that those interested in scribing shadow the judge/scribe team in the booth.  Winnie recommended that more people learn to score correctly. 

Addendum to minutes-Barbara believes it is the responsibility of the show judge to train the scribe.

Kathleen volunteered to put together a workshop for scribes.  Susan said that the curriculum for such a training is already available and that Barbara has it. 

Trinity Ranch Schooling Show

A proposal had been submitted to put on a schooling show in conjunction with SFDA at Trinity Ranch by Kathleen Martin. 

Kathleen suggests that the timing on this, potentially the weekend before a rated show on Memorial Day Weekend would help prepare members for show season.  This show has an S judge as a potential judge for the event.  Although this would cost more than an L judge, the expenses would be shared by SFDA in order to make it a more viable show.  Having an S judge would be a draw for upper level riders to attend in order to gain experience in front of an S judge. 

SFDA is willing to lower their normal entry fee from $30 to $20 in order to accommodate the NMDA group.  SFDA did agree to do so for this show.

Kathleen submitted the proposal.

Barbara mentioned that insurance wasn’t included in the proposal and that it would add $100 to the expense column.  Kathleen reminded the group that it had been agreed to in a previous meeting that insurance would be considered a cost of doing business to the club and not charged to each show.

It appears that this is considered at year end as we account for whether the show season made or lost money.

Kathleen asked if insurance would be added as an expense going forward with every show, Barbara stated that every show should have insurance listed as an expense.

Barbara mentioned that in state and out of state riders seldom go to schooling shows.  It was countered that the S judge would attract more riders.  Barbara acknowledged that that the S judge is a draw but to not count on 50 riders. 

Barbara stated that NMDA puts on schooling shows to have a profit, that show profits run the club.  She stated that in our standing ruled it says we have to make profits in the schooling shows.  She stated that it is not our policy to break even or lose money on schooling show.  She recommended that a little r judge be considered.

Winnie mentioned that our average schooling shows take in about $1100 and profit $600 out of that.

Maribeth acknowledged that it is a risk to put on a schooling show like this but has many benefits, working with SFDA, having an S judge, would make the risk worth it.

Barbara suggested that FEI riders don’t go to schooling shows.  Susan reminded the board that last year we took a chance at putting on a recognized show that wasn’t successful and that we should take another chance on something like this.  John suggested that we use SFDA’s fee schedule to improve our chances of making a profit. Maribeth suggested we split the difference.  Winnie suggested that the distance to Trinity Ranch would be an obstacle to filling up the show. 

A vote was taken to support the combined schooling show with the S judge with 4  nays and one abstention.

Kathleen suggested that we put on the show using a small r with lower fees.  

A vote was taken on doing the show with the small r and all approved.

Addendum to minutes   This show with the “r” judge is an NMDA show and is not in partnership with the SFDA.

Symposium grant

Kathleen suggested that the $200 that had been set aside for the Dressage through the levels clinic be used to provide grants and that the grants be given using an essay contest.  She asked for an additional $40 be added so that 4 people could go the clinic. 

Entries can write a short paragraph, why they want to go to the clinic.  The contest would be advertised on the website, entries should go to the PO Box.  Winnie volunteered to redact any identifiers so that the panel that chooses the winner would not be able to tell who wrote the entry.  Once winners have been chosen the funds will transfer to the symposium.

Kathleen has also arranged for hub agents in different parts of the area to coordinate travel and accommodations for attendees of the clinic.

Kathleen also recommended advertising for the event to show the educational focus of NMDA.

Winnie moved that $300 from educational fund be used to implement

Everyone present approved.

WD-Barbara said that Nance wanted the WD rules to be updated in the show box.

Barbara proposal to simplify YE Awards Standing rules

#1 Only NMDA schooling shows and Ride Re-Ride clinics can qualify you for year end awards-4 for, 1 abstain

#2 Require all 3 of the scores from the highest test of the level-5 for

#3 Delete-Can only win a level once-4 votes for, 1 against

#4 Page 9 5A add- parent or guardian owner of the horse can be non-members if the rider is a junior rider-5 voted for

#5 add “at NMDA schooling shows, any rider that rides the same test twice, the second test will be listed as Hors de Concours and the score not included in YE awards”-5 voted for the change

#6-add to refund policy “refund after closing date only with doctors or veterinarian note”-4 voted for, 1 abstain.

Submitted by Maribeth St Cyr