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USDF Recognized Shows


Horse Registration


Horse Registration

Forms that are needed for shows:

Table of Show Requirements

USDF Attire & Equipment Handbook

Zoom Meeting with Heather Peterson

USDF Awards Presentation

NMDA will begin offering Recognized USDF shows starting in the fall of 2024. We've observed that our membership faces many obstacles when it comes to showing at rated shows so we've developed a program that will remove many of the obstacles to showing. The focus of our activity in 2024 and late 2023 will be the preparation of our membership to succeed in the show ring at rated shows.

The first obstacle that we identified is the cost of recognized shows in New Mexico. Expensive venues and stabling represents most of the cost to show management. In addition, "S" judges are double to triple the price of an "r" or "R" judge. Since most of the members that attend schooling shows are at Training through 2nd level, we can successfully serve them using an "r" or "R" judge, lowering the cost to the participant. In addition, having a one day show at Cherry Tree Farm, with no overnight stabling, allows us to drastically reduce the cost to participants. Our estimated participation fee for a rated show is $160 to $180 per horse for two rides. That includes the USDF drug fee, class fees, and even includes the optional $15 fee to have your test qualify for regional championships. This estimate is based off of 2023 numbers and includes a generous discount from Heather Peterson to serve as our secretary for this show. Future shows will cost a little more but it is our commitment to keep the expense around $200 or less.

Much was made at the meeting about USDF and USEF registration fees. We have no control over that but we do have a plan to soften the expense of our programs further. Volunteering for NMDA provides members with grants that can be used for clinics and shows to help offset the overall expense of showing. More on this in a bit.

The second obstacle we discussed was how intimidating showing can be. The unfamiliar venue, the tiny stalls, the wind, the general "otherness" that a rated show can take on. We'll be combating this by using a judge you know, Michelle Combs and having the show at Cherry Tree Farm. This is the best way to overcome this feeling. Cherry Tree is our home. Your horses knows the warm up, they know the arena, you can attend schooling shows so your horse is used to it before the rated show. You can even bring your horse to a schooling show and not ride a test. There is a "seasoning" option on every show entry. It's a smaller fee and you can hang out anytime during the show, ride in the warm up, tie your horse to the trailer, whatever you need to work on.

One of the biggest obstacles is the idea that one might feel they and their horse aren't ready for a recognized show. I'm here to assure you that we will be spending the entire year getting you ready. Clinics, workshops and symposiums on everything showing from braiding clinics to test riding. We'll have TD's go over equipment and tack, pros talking about turnout, experienced show veterans talking about the checklists they use to prepare, you name it. One of our members is on the USDF awards committee. She'll be providing info on medals and awards you can earn through USDF. Heather Peterson will be walking you through the memberships, vet checks and other paperwork you need before the show. We're also seeking a volunteer to manage an "Attire Library" where members can donate their unused show clothes so others may borrow it for the show. All educational events will be taped and put on our new Youtube channel. We will be adding a page to the website just for the show. On this page you'll find links to everything you'll need to prepare including a schedule of what should be done by when. We're also open to your ideas for how to prepare. What do you need from us to get you ready? We're listening!

Now, back to those grants we mentioned. Volunteering with NMDA can earn you $25 for every eight hours you volunteer. You can earn up to $75 a year (we will be voting on increasing this to $100 in a couple of weeks) these grants can be used toward shows and clinics. Volunteering can happen at a show or not. Currently, in addition to a treasurer, we need people to do data entry like updating show results, we need someone to do our social media, manage the tack swap both online or at shows or both, calling members for various programs, we need schooling show managers (all training and tools provided). We also need help putting shows together, this might mean going to the show manager's house, having a glass of wine and snacks and stuffing envelopes. I can tell you, it's really tough! We also need volunteers at shows. Volunteering as a scribe, scorer, runner or gate person teaches you a lot about showing. You can also do a few hours or the whole day and you can volunteer even if you're showing that day.

There's also room on our newly created "Hype Team". This "job" entails greeting people at shows, answering questions, distributing snacks and horse treats, celebrating rides, holding horses for mounting riders or walking a nervous rider to the arena, all of the fun, no pressure stuff that makes a show feel like a family.

So, what do you think? I encourage your feedback and ideas. The hope is that we continue to do this every year with at least two rated shows a year in addition to our schooling shows so that any members that want to earn medals or rider awards has an opportunity to do so. We would also like to see all of our members realize their dreams of making their way down centerline, gloves on, braids and attentive ears in your sights as you show what you and your partner are all about. What a proud moment! I can't wait to see you all!

Maribeth St Cyr and the NMDA Board