President Maribeth St. Cyr nmdressageassociation@gmail | Vice President Kim Fredenburgh nmdressageassociation@gmail |
Secretary Diane Corbin nmdressageassociation@gmail | Treasurer Laura Pullium nmdressageassociation@gmail |
Membership Sarah Turner nmdressageassociation@gmail | Youth Director Vacant |
Member-at-Large Amy Glenn nmdressageassociation@gmail | Education/Clinic Coordinator Cindy Kavan-Winfield nmdressageassociation@gmail |
Awards/Mini-Grant Coordinator Kim Fredenburgh nmdressageassociation@gmail | Partner Club Liaison Cel Cox nmdressageassociation@gmail |
Board Advisory/Liaison Group | |
Publicity Liaison (Social Media Coordinator) Send news and facebook items to: Maribeth St. Cyr nmdressageassociation@gmail | The Dressage Foundation Representative Susan Reed nmdressageassociation@gmail |
USDF Delegate Cel Cox nmdressageassociation@gmail | Webmaster Harold Baskin |
Schooling Shows Coordinator Vacant | Western Dressage Representative Vacant |