Feb 9, 2016


New Mexico Dressage Association

Board Meeting

February 9, 2016

At Nexus, 4730 Pan American, Albq.

Board Members present: Barbara Burkhardt, Winnie Fitch, Cindy K. Winfield, Nance McManus, John Collins.

Board Members Absent: Donald Simpson, Harold Baskin, Dawn Foster

Guest: Karen Gonzales

Officer Reports

Winnie Fitch was appointed Membership Chair.

Secretary: The Minutes of Jan 5, 2016 were accepted with minor corrections.

Treasurer: Dawn was not present. The Financials were reviewed and accepted.

Committee Reports

Schooling Shows: Karen Gonzales has a food truck and will be at the April B FRA show and maybe the Cherry Tree show. Barbara will order numbers and blue ribbons. There was a discussion of on-line entries. It is not user friendly at our end. We can lose money if everything isn’t done right. There will be a meeting with Harold, Dawn, Cindy and Nance to try to work out bugs. Cindy made the motion: “NMDA will make the policy that schooling show managers can have the choice of whether or not to accept on-line entries for their show.” 2nd by Winnie. Passed.

Recognized Shows: Donald was not present but he sent out an email of his (NMDS) 2016 show dates, they are: “Horses Unlimited Dances With Horses 1 & 2”: April 30-May 1, 2016; “Fiesta de Dressage 1 & 2” July 2-3, 2016; “Harvest Fling” October 29-30, 2016. The shows will be held at The Downs at Santa Fe. Questions contact Donald at: 505-550-6735, dressageshow@gmail.comIt was mentioned that there is a new GMO called Santa Fe Dressage Assn.   They have a rated show listed on the USDF calendar Aug 19-21, 2016 in Santa Fe.

Membership: Winnie reported we have 104 members. This may be an all time high for this early in the year.

Year End Awards: Barbara led a discussion of the Standing Rule: XII “.6. Once a horse-rider combination has won a Championship at a particular level that combination cannot receive any award at that level (regardless of division) again. (est. 3/3/15)” The discussion was tabled until the Standing Rules are gone over again.

Clinics: Cindy applied for a grant for the Pilates clinic. In Sept Bill McMullin  may do a “Ride-Re-ride clinic at BFRA. Cindy has not talked to Bill yet. A Sally Swift Grant is possible (on the Dressage Foundation site). The Carolyn Lindholm clinic is April 3, 2016. She is judging the schooling show the day before (at BFRA).

Publicity: Nance is taking care of getting publicity to The Horsin Around magazine which is now 6 times a year.

Youth: Kathleen Martin and Julie Wilson will be helping with the Youth Meet and Greet (Feb 27 at Vista Sandia). There may be juniors from Santa Fe. A tack sale was mentioned. Cindy has contacted Vista Sandia. A discussion of the footing ensued. It was agreed that V.S. needs to be advised of how to work the footing.

Western Dressage: Nance has got the April 2 schooling show at BFRA WDAA approved. We would need a steward. Rusty Cook may be able to steward for $100 and she would like to scribe (the classical tests, not the Western tests). Nance said the WD updated rules would not be on the web (with WDAA ?) until April 1st. The current USEF rules (dated 1/29/16) are on the USEF web).

Old Business: Banquet: Barbara suggested the next Banquet be in the afternoon so out-of-town members could more easily attend. Will discuss this later.

New Business

The new SS entry form was discussed. Need to correct: “Is the ownera NMDA member?” (says “rider”). Barbara led a discussion of the change to “Youth” being 21 and under (was Junior – 18 and under) at the schooling shows. This was tabled. Should be brought up at the “Youth Meet and Greet”.

Contracts: Dawn made up a “Facility Contract” and a “Judge/clinician Contract” These were approved by the Board.

By Laws Committee: Dawn will chair a Review of the By Laws Committee and a Financial Review Committee.

“The AlbuguerqueEquestrian Cup Event”. This is a charity and wine tasting event.  NMDA has been asked to put on either a demonstration or a mini dressage show at Expo. Charlotte Lamont asked for a date convenient for us. Cindy, Nance and John are thinking about a demo. Perhaps a Classical-Western pas de deux. Possible date(s) in October.

Meeting Adjourned at 5:30 pm.   Next meeting March 8, 2016, at Nexus, at 4:00 pm (changed to 6:30 pm)Respectfully submitted Barbara Burkhardt, Secretary