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March President's Message

Hello all!
As we head into the show season, I would like to re-visit the benefits of volunteering.
HEAR ME OUT! There are fewer ways to improve your competitive muscles for free than actually being a part of the operations of a show. Even a schooling show can provide insight and information on how to be better in the ring.

Here are just a few topics that come to mind:

Sitting next to the judge as a scribe allows you to see what the judge sees and provides insight into the nuances of that extra point in a movement you've been chasing. It even comes down to hearing a judge comment on turnout or use of a whip before entering an arena that can't be learned from any clinic.

Have you always wondered how to most effectively use the warm up so your horse is peaking right before a test? Understanding the cadence of the gate keepers and the "on-deck" slot can maximize your warm up.

How about the nuances of scoring a test? How do those errors impact a test overall? How do coefficients make so much difference? Working as a scorer can reduce the mystery of the parts of a test that count the most.

Has the rhythm of a show schedule always been a mystery to you? Volunteering as a show manager (all training provided) may allow some clues into the work that goes into making sure everyone can show, even the guy who brings 3 horses or the mom who wants to show but has to get her kids to see grandma at church that day.

Lastly, do you yearn for more time talking about nerdy dressage stuff with people who actually speak your language? There's nothing like the fellowship of hanging out with fellow dressage enthusiasts. The things you learn from the grizzled veteran of dozens of shows is also a great way to expand your knowledge for free. (have you heard the story of the hot air balloon that landed next to the arena during a show at the fairgrounds? Well, Winnie has a doozy for you!)

The truth is, the shows you reliably attend don't happen without volunteers. Volunteering makes us a stronger club that can provide more and better opportunities for your success in the arena. Volunteering assures that existing supporters don't burn out and can enjoy watching their friends compete instead of always being stuck in the office. We need you, yes, YOU to give just a little bit of your time. Believe me, it pays back in spades.

NOW! Here's what's going on in March!

Entries are open for the March 29th schooling show. This is a WDAA Recognized show as well as a USDF Schooling show. Michell Combs is our judge. You can find the entry here.

The March 30th clinic with Michell Combs still has a couple of slots available. You'll need to hurry to get yours! Clinic Information.

Lastly, if you haven't signed up for the AHANM schooling show on April 5th or the USDF Recognized show April 6th you can find the links on the calendar page. Because we are sponsoring the Recognized Show, it will automatically count towards year end awards. You may also use a score from the schooling show towards year end awards if you so choose.

That will do it for today, please reach out to me for volunteering questions.

I'll see you in the arena!
Maribeth St Cyr
NMDA President

Consider donating to NMDA

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Special Thanks to our Sponsors

Karen Evans
On The Spot Equine Body Work

Horse Rescue

New Mexico Dressage Association is a nonprofit organization incorporated under the laws of New Mexico. NMDA is also a Group Member Organization of USDF. The organization's purpose is to promote the understanding of dressage and to develop skill and excellence in its use, as well as to encourage, promote and conduct exhibitions, shows, clinics and other events by which interested people may develop their potential as riders and train their horses to the extent of their capabilities. Privileges of membership include but are not limited to participation in the organization's activities and receiving the Test Book. Members also become group members of USDF.

NMDA Forms

NMDA is now an IRS 501(c)(3) public charity! So any contribution - cash/check, show/educational activity sponsorship, or material donation - is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law! Your contribution/sponsorship allows NMDA to keep entry/participation costs for educational activities and shows lower for members and the general public....all in the name of learning more about dressage! Please send monetary donations to

PO Box 53434
Alb., NM 87153

For all other contribution types, please contact the NMDA President. Thank you!