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NMDA Year End Awards at RIBS! on January 18th in Los Lunas, 1pm -4pm. All are welcome.

January President's Message

Hello all,

What a great year it's been for NMDA. We had a bumper crop of Schooling Shows, a wonderful clinic series and our first USDF Recognized Show. Our treasury has grown this year for the first time in quite a while also which shows our clubs commitment to the future of Dressage in New Mexico.
I would like to remind you to mark your calendars for January 18th to join us for our Award Banquet and General Membership Meeting at RIBS in Los Lunas at 1pm. We'll celebrate this year's winners while enjoying a fabulous lunch and hanging out with our favorite people. There is no fee to attend but we would like you to bring a new horsey item for the raffle if you can. Any equestrian themed item is fine, candles, socks, useful or gifty, it all makes for a great raffle. No used tack please.

As you consider your new year's resolutions, I would like you to consider becoming a more involved member of this organization that does so much to serve you. There are several open chair positions available as well as regular volunteer slots that require interested parties. No experience is required but commitment is key. Commitment levels vary from one day to consistent attention, choose one that works for your schedule. I have listed how much computer experience is needed in each position. I feel it bears mentioning that your humble president is filling several of these roles simultaneously in addition to presidential duties. In order for the club to continue to improve, some of these duties need to be taken off of my plate.

The following is a list of ways you can help:
Volunteer Co-Ordinator-keeps track of who is working what shows and clinics. Makes sure we stay on top of volunteer hours. Assures volunteers are valued and rewarded. No computer experience required.
Tack Swap Co-Ordinator-Brings tack swap items to every show. Receives and sets pricing on donated items. Photos tack swap items for posting on website and coordinates online sales with webmaster. Fairly basic experience on computer required.
Youth Chair-this is a board position that has voting rights on all issues before the board. Welcomes youth members and seeks to expand youth presence in membership. Assures that youth members are familiar with advantages of being in the club. Creates learning opportunities geared toward youth. Utilizes USDF and USEF programs that are available for youth members. Basic computer skills required (email, internet)
Social media Co-Ordinator-attendance at all events, posting pics and content on all social media platforms. This position would be helpful to a young person seeking school or organizational credit for service learning or volunteer hours. Extensive computer usage.
Schooling Show Manager-Manage a schooling show, schedule tests, arrange for officials, assure volunteers are present, arrange for lunch and transportation if necessary. This position requires you to be in attendance on the day of the show you're managing. Some computer experience and familiarity with excel required. I will teach you each step and be with you every step of the way so there's no stress.
Schooling Show Chair- Schooling show chair arranges for the show schedule for the year including training show managers, booking judges and venues and maintaining volunteer rosters. Assuring that tests are current and in stock, coordinates with volunteers, officials and tack swap. Extensive training will be provided. Computer experience a must.

In addition to my duties as President, I personally serve as Schooling show Chair and Schooling Show Manager of all of the shows, including the Recognized Shows. I also Coordinate the tack swap which helps to fund the Educational programs we put on. Assistance with these areas would allow me to work on my own riding this year as I return to the saddle from a long hiatus after suffering a disabling injury.
We currently do not have a Youth Chair or a Social Media coordinator and are missing out on the opportunities that these positions would provide to the club.
Please reach out and let me know where you would like to help or what info you need to make an informed decision.

Have a great New Year!
Maribeth St Cyr
NMDA President

Special Thanks to our Sponsors

Karen Evans
On The Spot Equine Body Work

Horse Rescue

New Mexico Dressage Association is a nonprofit organization incorporated under the laws of New Mexico. NMDA is also a Group Member Organization of USDF. The organization's purpose is to promote the understanding of dressage and to develop skill and excellence in its use, as well as to encourage, promote and conduct exhibitions, shows, clinics and other events by which interested people may develop their potential as riders and train their horses to the extent of their capabilities. Privileges of membership include but are not limited to participation in the organization's activities and receiving the Test Book. Members also become group members of USDF.

NMDA Forms

NMDA is now an IRS 501(c)(3) public charity! So any contribution - cash/check, show/educational activity sponsorship, or material donation - is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law! Your contribution/sponsorship allows NMDA to keep entry/participation costs for educational activities and shows lower for members and the general public....all in the name of learning more about dressage! Please send monetary donations to

PO Box 53434
Alb., NM 87153

For all other contribution types, please contact the NMDA President. Thank you!