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Check out Friday Night Stars & USDF Book Club on our Education Page

Michell Combs Clinic info is posted

February President's Message

Hello all,

There's a whiff of Spring in the air right now, I hope you're enjoying the warm weather and that your winter training is going well. To add to your winter fun the board has created a cool way to see what's new in Florida this season and has established a book club. You can get more info here

The calendar is filling up pretty fast for this year, I hope you've had a chance to take a look and plan on attending shows and clinics. We've added 3 clinics to this year's calendar with Amy Glenn, Jo Marley and Rachel Saavedra. You can see the calendar here.

Our January Board meeting included the renewal of Sarah Turner as Membership Chair, Cindy Kavan-Winfield as Education Chair and a newly created position of Partner Club Liaison for Cel Cox. Cel will be our person in charge of communicating with partner organizations like the Arab Club and SFDA so that we can all work together to expand dressage in New Mexico. Welcome to the board Cel!

I am happy to report that I have had a few people express interest in managing a schooling show. There is definitely some apprehension regarding this task. In order to quell any fears I will be doing a Zoom meeting on February 26th at 6pm that will be a brief Schooling Show Manager class. Anyone is welcome to attend and there is no obligation. My purpose is to outline what it actually takes to put on a schooling show for NMDA. Please attend if you are curious about this; I think you'll find that it's far easier and takes a lot less time and effort than you may believe (I don't just make it look easy, I have made it easy in real life because I'm essentially quite lazy.) You can join the meeting here:

Topic: Schooling Show Manager-Is it for you?
Time: Feb 26, 2025 06:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 834 1392 5550

I will send a couple of reminders before the meeting.

That's it for now. I'll see you in the arena.
Maribeth St Cyr
NMDA President

Special Thanks to our Sponsors

Karen Evans
On The Spot Equine Body Work

Horse Rescue

New Mexico Dressage Association is a nonprofit organization incorporated under the laws of New Mexico. NMDA is also a Group Member Organization of USDF. The organization's purpose is to promote the understanding of dressage and to develop skill and excellence in its use, as well as to encourage, promote and conduct exhibitions, shows, clinics and other events by which interested people may develop their potential as riders and train their horses to the extent of their capabilities. Privileges of membership include but are not limited to participation in the organization's activities and receiving the Test Book. Members also become group members of USDF.

NMDA Forms

NMDA is now an IRS 501(c)(3) public charity! So any contribution - cash/check, show/educational activity sponsorship, or material donation - is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law! Your contribution/sponsorship allows NMDA to keep entry/participation costs for educational activities and shows lower for members and the general public....all in the name of learning more about dressage! Please send monetary donations to

PO Box 53434
Alb., NM 87153

For all other contribution types, please contact the NMDA President. Thank you!